Color Mood + Selction Process
How often do we think about color, not just thinking about selecting a color, but have you ever thought about how a specific color makes you feel? Memories, be it conscious or subconsciously can be associated with color and mood. Here at Jonathan Kringle we analyze, discuss, select and edit our color palette every season, keeping in line with the feelings evoked from a certain color range or combo. We try to understand, so that you will understand how clothing should make you feel. Our goal is to help you, be calmed by green tones, to gain your trust with blue tones, to inspire your imagination through purple tones, to enlightened you with our yellow hues, warmed by our orange tones, passionate about our red color field, while keeping you stable with a show of grey tones. Color combinations are the next step, keeping the wearer's every mood satisfied with our change of "color" seasons and look stylish at the same time, not following trendy color forecas...